Monday, June 22, 2009

Borrowed Bitchery

I give kudos where kudos are due.

This blog bitches (or, I could say, this bitch blogs) about breaking through the publishing barrier best!

Feel free to leave comments.

Friday, June 12, 2009


to think you don't need Automatic Spell Check? Even I use Automatic Spell Check. The operative word is AUTOMATIC! How lazy are you that you cannot click your mouse on a button that will not only check your spelling, but give you a haircut and make you look good? It's free, it's easy, and you're a numbskull if you don't employ it. If you own a business or are looking for work, you receive an even harder spanking for not doing everything in your power to leave a good impression (or at least avoid leaving a bad impression).

My approach is derived from my ethic in college and grad school. I used the finest paper, set my margins according to guidelines (more on that in future rants), and met the desired page count on every single assignment. If format and presentation accounted for 10% of the grade, that was a guaranteed 10% that any fidiot could attain.

Hmm... let me think... Is it worth going on a rant about iPhone's Automatic Spell Check FAIL?

It suffices to say that its tendency to change "the" to "she" and "bushed" to "bushes" could land you in hot water some day. Don't ask how I know. IF YOU HAVE AN IPHONE, READ YOUR SHIT TWICE BEFORE SENDING! The operative word is READ. We learned how to do it early on, but some lessons need a refresher course later in life.

Is that too sarcastic? You can let me know, but by then it will be too late.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

I Edit U

I begin this blog on a bitchy note. My tweet right at this moment is:

If you are cryptic, unclear, incoherent, inconsistent, or avoidant, I will hunt down and shoot you. Most of you have nothing to worry about.

I've decided to free the beast. Writers need to hear what editors are really thinking. No more pussyfootin' around. On a good day, you might catch me in a magnanimous mood and I'll be willing to dole out some unbiased, practical writing advice with no snark.
On a good day.
Here is a picture of me on a good day at my midtown office.

Here is a picture of me on a no good, very bad day at my midtown office.

Michelle Sydney has an M.A. in Writing from DePaul University; a certificate from University of Chicago Publishing Program; and a B.A. in Psychology and English from NYU. She lives in NY with her husband who is a news junkie. She will occasionally rant about his obsession with news and his insane hours. She has been an editor in NY for ten years. You got a problem with that?

Leave a comment if you are looking for writing advice with absolutely no sugar coating.